Saturday, 9 January 2010

A selection of reviews

[KB Walker] manages skilfully to get past all the surface religiosity to show what a relationship with God can look like in practical terms in a real and messy life. This is both a "good read" and a convincing testimony which cannot fail to provide consideration of how your faith works, everyday - and in crisis. Mary Jefferson, review sent to Magnet magazine

The anguish of a Mother finding that her son has cancer in his leg is graphically described in A Life Less Lost. KB Walker has expressed this by telling the story of her life, interspersed with the diagnosis and the many months of hospital visits thereafter. James is a teenager; he has to handle a lot of this trauma for himself, watched over by supportive family and friends who can do nothing to lessen the impact of what is happening to him. These chapters are hard to read, but you feel compelled to continue, empathising with all the people involved. Incredibly by the end of the book James has become a Doctor, but what an amazing and heart-rending journey! Not your average 'holiday' read, but I am so glad I took it with me. Reviewed by Mary Bartholomew for

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